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Get Started with RACES

What is RACES?


RACES stands for "Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service," a protocol created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC Part 97, Section 407). ORCA has partnered with Oakland’s Emergency Management Services Division (EMSD) to provide RACES auxiliary communication services in times of need. There is a Letter of Understanding between Oakland and ORCA that outlines the partnership and activation procedure.


How to Get Involved


If you’re a licensed amateur radio operator, and would like to participate in RACES auxiliary communications activities, here’s how you can get started:

  1. Contact Jim K2YE ( to request an invitation to the ORCA roster in RosterTail

  2. Create a Profile – Login to RosterTail, accept the invite, and create a profile. Add your contact info and certifications (see the step-by-step instructions)

  3. Complete Level 1 Requirements – Review the training plan below and follow the links to complete the courses. As you complete training, update your RosterTail profile and upload any certifications you receive.

  4. Participate in Events – Every year, we have a number of exercises or RACES activations that are opportunities to practice the skills you’ve learned: Golden Eagle, July 4th Fire Patrol, SET, and a number of Oakland-led exercises (ex: C-POD activation)


Level 1 Requirements 


Note that ARRL EC-001: Introduction to Emergency Communication is now replaced by ARRL Basic EmComm. If you completed EC-001 in the past, it meets this criteria. If you have not taken the course, only Basic EmComm is available at this point. It is optional for Level 1, but highly recommended.


• License – Must have the following license: 

• FCC Amateur Radio: Technician License (start with HamStudy)

• Education – Complete the following courses and upload certificates:

• IS-100: Intro to Incident Command System

• IS-200: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

 IS-700: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

• (Optional) IS-800: National Response Framework, An Introduction

• (Optional) ARRL Basic EmComm

• (Optional) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

• Participation – Participate in the following activities:

• Roster: Contact Jim K2YE for ORCA roster invite. Sign-up, fill out contact info, and track qualifications

• RACES Events: Volunteer 1x a year in a RACES activation or exercise. Attend club meetings to see what’s coming

• (Optional) Net Control: 3x a year, any of the weekly nets or special events

• Proficiency – Demonstrate ability to do the following:

• Ability to correctly fill-out these forms: ICS-211 (Incident Check-In List), ICS-213 (General Message), ICS-214 (Activity Log), ICS-309 (Communications Log)

• Understand how to read an ICS-202 (Incident Objectives), and an ICS-205 (Incident Radio Communications Plan) and program your radio accordingly


RosterTail: Create a Profile


Download this step-by-step guide to creating a profile on RosterTail: 

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