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New members: Need some help logging in?

How to create an account:

  1. Click the Login/Sign up button above

  2. Enter your email address

  3. Enter a password

  4. Enter same password (to verify the spelling)


Within a day or two we will authorize you (if you are a currently paid-up member) and send you an email to that effect. If you don't hear back from us quickly, please use the Contact Us form.


How to log in after being authorized:

1. Click the Login/Sign up button above

2. Do not fill out the Sign up form again

3. Instead, click on the blue Login button







4. Enter your email address

5. Enter your password

6. Click the Remember Me checkbox

















7. Click GO


When you return to this website from the same web browser on your computer, tablet or smart phone, you won't have to log in again provided you chose Remember Me, return to the website every 2 weeks, and you have not disabled cookies.

About 70% of this website is accessible to the publc. A few pages are viewable only by members, mostly because we respect your privacy (member photos with callisgns), protect you against email spam (member-only email forum), protect city property (details about ham radios in fire stations), or just want to give you something extra as a thank you for being a member (access to over a dozen years of past newsletters)


The login screen can be confusing at times. So Here's some helpful hints.

The Remember Me checkbox


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