Member Forum Help
The Forum is an exclusive feature for paid ORCA members. Newsletters and special meeting reminders will be distributed using the member forum. Various topics for discussion are available and members are welcome to start a conversation on any ham radio related topic.
All emails from this forum will be prefixed with [ORCA]. You can set up your email client to automatically move all emails like this to a folder you created with a name such as ORCA or Ham Radio.
If you wish to change your email delivery options you can do so by signing into google groups with this link:!forum/ww6or
Then click the icon circled below and choose "Membership and email settings"
You will see the average number of emails per day listed and have 4 delivery options:
If you choose "Don't send emails, you will have to actively visit the group's website to see what's new. You may also lose out on receiving the ORCA Newsletter in a timely manner.
Choosing daily summaries or combined updates will delay receiving messages by about a day, but could occasionally reduce the number of separate emails you received from ORCA. You will have to go to the forum directly to post replies.
An email for every message will allow you to easily participate in any discussion simply by replying to the received email. This will automatically send the message to the entire group, so be sure your message is for general viewing.